Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Worlds cheapest, easiest 2000pt FOW army pt2

 A box of Plastic Soldier Panther d's

So part 2 of this blog is around what I find the hardest part of the hobby. 

Let me speak frankly, I find modelling and painting a bit of a chore. Of course seeing your painted stuff on the table is a blast, who doesn't like that feeling? However, the only enjoyment I get while actually modelling and painting is found trying to get it done quicker and easier than before.

So how did the army go together? 

Lets start with the Panthers.

The instruction were nice and clear, and although there were a lot of parts, most of them require very little preparation apart from removing them from the sprue.

Two bits proved quite annoying to fix and they were the smoke launchers and the pipe on the left side of the tank. The launchers were just a bit fiddly to separate and then too small to get a good grip on them to attach. The pipe was difficult because I found it hard to get it to locate and sit in the two joining points provided. I am sure these issues are because of the 15mm scale.

The first tank took me about 30 minutes to assemble and by the last one, I was down to about 16 minutes per tank from untouched frame to complete tank. So probably about 3 hours of work all in.

I must mention here that I use Humbrol liquid poly cement in a bottle with a brush. God this stuff is cheap and brilliant to use. Get some, you won't look back. 

Find some and buy it!

The Zvezda plane was an absolute breeze to put together. It took about 5 minutes from start to finish. You can even make it without glue if you want but I glued it anyway. 

The hardest bit - Painting

I wanted a quick, tabletop finish for my army and so used Army Painter Leather Brown primer. I like Army Painter stuff but have had some issues in the past with their primers. Remember to shake them properly before use.

I then did three coats of Vallejo Green Ochre 70.914 on the tanks and used Gunmetal 72.054 on the tracks, spade etc and Beige Brown 70.875 on the wooden shafts. As for the crew and officers I used German Camo Dark Green 70.979, German Fieldgrey 70.830 and Pale Flesh 72.003.

Two coats of GW Devlan Mud wash on everything but the Gunmetal, which got a coat of Badab Black wash.

The washing still looks a bit patchy (dirty?) but I think that is as much about my lack of technique as anything. Probably 3 hours spent on painting the tanks. They need decals really to finish them off but I don't have any yet.

 Three of the ten finished Panthers

The plane was undercoated black by hand and then lots of coats of German Fieldgrey later it was good to go. The nose was Heavy Goldbrown 72.151 and the metal parts Gunmetal 72.054. Washed the plane with twice with GW Thraka Green, Gryphonne Sepia and Badab Black respectively. The decals provided with the plane went on easy. 30 minutes total spent on painting the plane.

 The Zvezda Messerschmidt (sorry the picture is so dark)

So after less than seven hours work the army is ready for action.

Next in part 3, the fun stuff, gaming.

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