Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Worlds cheapest, easiest 2000pt FOW army pt1

I have recently started playing FOW again (v3) and have also discovered Plastic Soldier Company. This provided the inspiration to build, paint and hopefully win a game with a 2000pt army while spending the least amount of money.

The list was the key, and after about a week of playing around with the Eastern Front book I settled on the following:

MW German Panther Company
Company HQ - 2 Panther d
Combat Platoon - 4 x Panthers d
Combat Platoon - 4 x Panthers d
Divisional Support - Sporadic Messerschmidt
Exactly 2000pts

I managed to order the stuff via Cymbeline Games for 15% off RRP and so the whole lot cost me £33.02.

2 boxes of Panthers

and a Messerschmidt

Here is the stuff in the flesh

Part two of this blog will be to build and paint them and in part three I will finally to play a game with them (and hopefully win).

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that looks awesome! Very tempted to have a go at a historical system, and this looks like a great way to start.

    I've ordered a lot of stuff from Cymbeline Games in the past and they are absolutely fantastic. Brilliant value and customer service that is the best I've ever experienced.
