Rhyas and her friends are coming to play | |
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I am running a Journeyman league at the Chelmsford Bunker (nice place, full of nice people) and so my Legion army is finally getting a coat of paint. It's been a long time coming.
I am much more of a gamer than a painter and so went for a simple pallet and a healthy amount of strong tone dip. I don't actually dip models due to the inconsistent finish it can cause and now instead brush the dip on. Even so, the Seraph came out pretty poorly due to my forgetting to mop up the pools of dip before it dried. You live and learn (or maybe not in my case).
Last night was the 15pt event. The scoring was 3pts for a fully painted army, 3pts for each game won, 1pt for each game lost. In addition I issued a special challenge to model and paint an objective marker to use in the scenario we ran (a variant of Destruction), that was worth an additional 3pts. You can see my objective marker centre rear.
I was using a NQ themed list for Rhyas (list below). I love Rhyas but she always seems to under perform for me.
System: Hordes
Faction: Rhyas - Rearguard (NQ36)
Casters: 1/1
Points: 15/15
Tiers: 2
Rhyas, Sigil of Everblight (*6pts)
* Nephilim Soldier (5pts)
* Seraph (8pts)
Blighted Nyss Swordsmen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Blighted Nyss Swordsmen Abbot & Champion (0pts)
My tier bonuses provide Stealth first turn and the free Abbot and Champion.
First game was vs Paul Winter and his Ossyan themed Gun line Ret army. I played particularly badly and was left with only Rhyas, the Abbot and my two, out of position beasts by turn 3. Rhyas managed to charge Ossyan and fluffed it, luckily dash allowed the Abbot to charge him as well and end the game. Paul played much better than I did and deserved the win. I guess that is Warmachine for you.
Second games was vs Tom Simms and an eIrusk list, luckily for me without Mortars. This game was much more controlled and when Tom failed to use his feat defensively in Turn 2, Rhyas and the Swordsmen went to town. Again Rhyas had a shot at the Warcaster and fluffed it. Tom making 4 straight tough rolls with eIrusk helped considerable though. By turn 4 Tom was left with only a jack and eIrusk, but nearly pulled out the win be scenario (needed 1 more damage to destroy the second objective) before a frenzied Nephilim Soldier ended things. My game highlight was when Rhyas did 28 damage to an Iron Fang Pikeman. The only time all evening she got off her Critical Decap. Tom is a relatively new player but is learning quick and played a good game. He almost won without use of eIrusk's feat and that is pretty impressive
The result sheet for round 1 is below:
Game results |
Name |
Faction |
Legal list |
Painted |
Objective |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Total points |
Barry Pittman |
Legion |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
W |
W |
X |
12 |
Harvey Barrington |
Khador |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
W |
L |
L |
11 |
Erik Cooper |
Mercs |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
W |
W |
L |
10 |
Paul Winters |
Retribution |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
L |
W |
W |
10 |
Alex Shakespere |
Cryx |
Yes |
No |
No |
L |
L |
W |
5 |
Anthony Sanday |
Khador |
Yes |
No |
No |
L |
W |
X |
4 |
Ian Sharp |
Trolls |
Yes |
No |
No |
W |
L |
X |
4 |
Rob Jones |
Cryx |
Yes |
No |
No |
L |
W |
X |
4 |
Tom Simms |
Khador |
Yes |
No |
No |
L |
L |
X |
2 |
So I am leading after round 1, but that is more to do with people not completing the painting and modelling tasks rather than my stunning play with Rhyas.